Sunday, August 15, 2010

karipap-date: 15 aug 2010

hi there. it's been such a long time. been back almost FOUR months now! what can i say? life in the valley is HECTIC. we've not even caught up with all our old friends yet.

what have i been up to? well ... there's work - yes, i started working. and other stuff that's been keeping us occupied. and one short weekend trip away to an orang asli settlement by tasik bera, the largest natural lake in the peninsula ... actually more of a peat swamp forest than a lake. 

this weekend, we were supposed to go climb mt KK but it was not to be. anyways. .....................

it's been a pretty relaxing weekend. i've enjoyed it. leisurely. very very nice. got to see parents who are visiting from sydney. and we finally unpacked our stuff from the US! registered for digi broadband internet. i bought a washer last week. slowly ticking stuff off the list of things to do before we move. (another locale, but still in the valley)

1 comment:

  1. hehe, thot i missed many posts since i haven't been reading friends blogs a long time. so it seems it's pretty distracting to blog regular in this valley eh. But hope u'd continue with it.. !
