Monday, May 10, 2010

week 2 happenings

trip to teluk intan was nice. and short. sadly grandma didn't recognize me. boo. her excuse is that she's 95. oh well. she really enjoyed playing mahjong with okm and didn't bring up great grandkids. phew. she's got more than she can count or remember anyways. :P

got our iphones finally. okm took about 1/2 hour to settle his. (at mid-valley digi). took a whole lot longer to get mine - because turned out i had an outstanding bill with celcom. for $8.75. such a puny amount ... u'd think they'd hv written it off after 6 years. but no, so i had to go to the celcom office (pkns building) and suffer their 'wonderful' customer service (argh!) to pay up to get my good name removed from the blacklist. ... then with the release letter in hand, we headed over to the digi outlet in SS2 (should've gone back to mid valley) - and waited in line for about an hour before i was able to buy my new phone. ...

had dinner with cousins and then drinks at wine bar after on friday nite. somehow it seems wrong to pay upwards of USD40/bottle for a non-occasion when i'm used to paying USD16/bottle for celebrations, and under USD10/bottle for regular dinner wine. so cheapie me enjoyed the barossa valley cabernet sauvignon at vintry but would rather have teh-O-ais limau any day. :P

the following day, saturday, we had banana leaf rice/dhosai at kana - with some of okm's secondary school friends (s'pore). later, we had tea with neil at coffee bean. no starbucks for us if we can help it, nosiree! - it's gonna be local coffee shops or locally owned chains or franchises, and as a last resort, the coffee bean ... we were also there thursday nite at the bsc with carolyn. saturday evening, we had an early mother's day dinner at formosa since san was going back to shanghai on sunday. update on food event mentioned in previous post: our pizzas were a hit ... my nephew isaac is 6 years old and a foodie in the making had 4 slices and wanted more (but they stopped him b'cos we're trying to control his weight)

have met some really nice runners in the neighborhood. oldies but goldies. some of them are also running in the 15K this sunday. will be nice to see some familiar faces. collected our race packets on saturday - i'm in the junior veteran category. (age 35 and above) haha. which means that i have an extra 5 minutes more to complete the race than those competing in the women's open. :D

ended the week on a 'high' with a hike to gunung angsi with our fellow mount KK climbers. pic below is of us at the summit - just before it started to pour ... we made it back to the car completely soaked through - even my shoes (ugh) and then being malaysians, instead of heading straight home to clean up, went to have 'famous' kuala pilah loh shi fun. ... :P

1 comment:

  1. Hey, i found this new curry puff blog of yours! cool! ;) don't lose steam in blogging ya.. u're my very few personal friends who still blog!

    so, Lainey getting the hang of the valley yet? hehe, nice to have caught up and lets meet soon! :)
